by oskar144 | Sep 27, 2019 | Blogs
BSH Accounting Identity Theft & Credit Monitoring Recommendation [LifeLock] BSH Accounting recommends LifeLock. You can lock your credit and get up to the minute alerts on any suspicious activity. Not to mention a phenomenal insurance policy should you...
by oskar144 | Sep 26, 2019 | Blogs
ADP is the recommendation for Payroll, Workers Comp and HR services for your business. ADP San Diego When you reach out to Alyssa Pabalan to get set up from the contact below, make sure to mention BSH Accounting and you will get the best rate available. We can...
by oskar144 | Aug 22, 2019 | Blogs, Resources
BSH Accounting Small Business Insurance Recommendation [HIS COX Business Insurance] BSH Accounting recommends HISCOX Business Insurance. We personally use it, and it took no more than 15 minutes to set up for a General Liability policy. Any add-ons that...
by oskar144 | Jul 29, 2019 | Accounting, Blogs
Reasons Why to use Quickbooks Payments: Get Paid Easily – When sending invoices to customers/clients – it adds a PAY NOW button. It encourages a bank to bank transfer which will cost you NO fees and ACH 1% with $10 cap. If they pay credit card...
by oskar144 | Jun 8, 2019 | Certificates
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